Jorge Barakat Pitti

Jorge Barakat Pitti
Minister of Panama Maritime Affairs and Administrator of the Panama Maritime Authority


Lawyer by profession, he obtained a degree in Law and Political Science at the University of Panama, part of the honor chapter "Sigma Lambda".

He holds a Master in Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration from the Latin American University of Science and Technology, where he received the honorary diploma "Suma Cum Laude" and a Master in Maritime Procedural with the specialty in International Maritime Law at the University of Panama.

Professor at the International Maritime University of Panama and Vice-President of the Board of Directors; founding partner of the company "Barakat-Pitti & Asociados", specialized in maritime, commercial and civil law.

In the public sector, he worked at the Maritime Tribunal of Panama; He served as the Deputy Administrator of the Panama Maritime Authority and was Ad-Honorem Advisor on the legal and consular aspects of the Panama Embassy in Canada. Member of the Iberoamerican Institute of Maritime Law, the Panamanian Association of Maritime Law and the National Association of Lawyers.

At present, as Administrator of the Panama Maritime Authority, seeks to maintain the country's leadership in ship registrations and promote a culture of transparency in the organization under its charge, in order to deliver an efficient service that meets the needs of the international maritime market.

Zoom on

The Maritime Authority of Panama



Resolution JD No. 010-98-ADM, which establishes the organizational structure of the Panama Maritime Authority, on the basis of Legislative Decree No. 7 of 10 February 1998 on “the establishment of the Panama Maritime Authority, unifying the different maritime powers of the public administration and other provisions are dictated", the administrative unit called Internal Audit has a legal basis, as a level of inspection.

In this sense, Article 10 of the same Decree-Law states that "Without prejudice to the functions conferred by the Constitution to the Office of the Control General of Panama, the Panama Maritime Authority must have its own audit system".

Likewise, the second paragraph of Article 8 stipulates that "the certificates of the auditors relating to unpaid obligations in favor of the Authority shall confer executive merit for the purposes of the Coactive Jurisdiction held by the Authority".

Subsequently, with the promulgation in April 1999 of the Government's Internal Control Standards for the Republic of Panama issued by the Control General, through Decree No. 214-DGA of 8 October 1999, the Internal Audit Divisions establish in paragraph 9 of the internal control structure that "the head of the institution will be responsible for an adequate internal control structure". It also keeps the internal audit units accountable, reviews and evaluates the internal control structure in terms of these standards.


Main functions

  • Acting as the supreme Maritime Authority of the Republic of Panama to exercise the rights and to fulfill the responsibilities of the Panamanian State under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other laws and existing regulations
  • Manage, promote, regulate, plan and execute strategies, standards, plans and programs related to the operation and development of the marine sector
  • Promote, coordinate and implement the National Maritime Strategy
  • Manage ship registration in Panama
  • Proposed and coordinated development plans for the national port system, operating port services and inspect those not operating directly
  • Safeguarding national interests in maritime areas and inland waters
  • Apply the existing regulations on training, certification and guardianship of seafarers
  • Guarantee the strict respect of international treaties, conventions and instruments in maritime matters ratified by Panama
  • Maintain the signaling and navigation assistance system for the safe passage of vessels in the maritime areas of Panama


Organizational structure of the Panama Maritime Authority

Designed on the basis of the criterion of concentration of functions in its various competencies, the PMA has the following organizational structure:

  • Board of Director
  • Administrative level
    • Administrator
    • Deputy Administrator
    • General secretary
  • Operational level
    • Directorate of Marine Merchant
    • Directorate of Seafarers
    • Directorate general of Ports and Auxiliary Marine Industries
    • General Directorate of the Public Registry of Titles and Ship Loads
  • Inspector level
    • Internal Audit Office
  • Advisory level
    • Legal Advice Office
    • Public Relations Office
    • Planning Office
  • Auxiliary support level
    • Human Resources
    • Finance Directorate
    • Management directorate



Edificio PanCanal Albrook
0843 Balboa Ancón 0533 Republic of Panama

Phone: (507) 501-5100 / 5000