Wednesday, 30 Mai 2018, the General Consul of Panama in Marseille, VIRNA AYALA, participated, following the invitation of Mr. Monsieur Patrick BORE, First Vice-president of Departmental Council of Bouches-du-Rhône delegated for International relations and European Affairs, The Mayor of La Ciotat, in the visit of La Ciotat Shipyards, maritime cluster maritime, one of the worldwide leaders of the refit & repair for Yachts and Super Yachts, localized on 46 Quai François Mitterrand, 13600 La Ciotat.
The Consuls of Marseille assisted on presentation of Shipyard by Mr. Jean-Yves SAUSSOL, Director of La Ciotat Shipyards. Afterwards, Mr. Patrick BORE with M. Jean-Yves SAUSSOL, guided the rest of the tour.
The Shipyard of La Ciotat represents the economic center of the city and its population, it’s an employment hub, because the majority of people work for the yachting industry or offer the services for yachts.
The only Shipyard of French Côte d’Azur, who has the capacity to recieve different dimensions of yachts, coming up to Gigayacht, for the repairs and painting of the gigantesque structures.
The Ciotat Shipyards is the nice expample of cooperation between authorities and private sector, who recieved investments from Peter LÜRSSEN, one of the most important luxury yacht builders.
I would like to share with you the photos, information in PDF and the videos, proving the sumptuous La Ciotat Shipyards: &
Fiche présentation LCS 10 2017